Sanctum House Wish List
Gift Cards are the best way to provide our Residents the opportunity to exercise autonomy and practice valuable life skills, like weekly grocery shopping.
gift cards from local businesses:
- Kroger
- Meijer
- AMC theater
- Target
- Costco
- Walmart
- Kohl’s
- Lowe’s
- Gas cards
Please consider donating other items from our wish list below.
household needs
- Trash bags 30 gal
- Kitchen trash bags 13 gal
- Paper towels
- Toilet paper
- Paper plates, bowls & Silverware
- Air freshener
- Laundry detergent
- Dryer sheets
- Dishwasher detergent pods
- Liquid dish soap
- Anti-bacterial hand soap
- Wipes, sprays, bathroom cleaner
- Tissues
- Aluminum foil
- Plastic cups
- Ziploc bags– all sizes
- Variety of Teas and Coffee
- Coffee – Regular
- French Vanilla Creamer
- Sugar and Splenda
- Personal Items
- Body pillows
- Headphones
- Laundry Baskets